Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Project After Project....After Project

I have been working on projects for the past 2 months. No lie. I have already turned in 7 projects and I have one due Friday. One due Monday. One due next Wednesday. Two due next Thursday. And one due the following Monday, which just so happens to be the last day of class. Thank God for that. On top of that, I have to do homework and quizzes every week and take the occasional test. Why is it so stinkin' hard to get a bachelors degree? Did I enroll to get my MBA here or something? Geez Louise.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Home is where the heart is.

This statement has never meant so much to me as it does at this point in my life. I go to school 190 miles from home and the only thing that keeps me sane at school is my boyfriend and my dog. However, there's so much stuff at home that I miss when I'm gone. Number one: my nephew. He's my first nephew and I'm unable to see him everyday, or every week for that matter. I have to watch him grow and smile and cry via skype or video text messaging and it breaks my heart! So when I'm able to come home and love on him without technology helping it is so amazing. He's such a comic. He likes to pee on his mom unexpectidly, make funny faces, and laughs at my animal noises. And when I'm home he makes my visit so much better. Number two: my family. While I'm away at school I talk to my parents everyday & they listen to me cry when I'm stressed and gripe when I'm whiney. But being home makes all of that stress and whininess disappear! I love how my dad is always cracking jokes, my mom is always bossy (but loving, too!), my sister is always waiting with open arms to greet me, my grandparents always want to catch up on what's going on at school, my cousin Jesse always wants to be around me even though he tries to make it seem like he's just hanging around the house for the food, and my other sisters (the boxer girls) always seem so happy to see me and wag their nubbs as fast as they can! Basically, my family is like the mafia. We all have each other's back. We all eat together all the time, watch the news together, ....just sit at the table and stare at each other together. My family is pretty amazing. Number three: My house. I love my house, my town, my road, my family living all around me (most of the time), my land, the trees in bloom in the spring in my yard, and the sound of my dad out in the garage working on a car. I just love my home and Greenville is not my home. My apartment just doesn't smell like my home or feel homey like my home.

And what's great about coming home is that not only do I get to see all of these people that I love, but I also get to bring the good part of Greenville back home with me...Dustin & Bindi Sue.