Sunday, February 22, 2009

Good Friends

Good friends are hard to come by, and I may not be the most outgoing person when it comes to meeting new people, but I know that the friends I have are the best I could ever
Jessica came to visit this weekend and it was just like old times...but actually even better! Everyone was so happy to see her & we just had a great time hanging out, talking, and playing catch phrase! And really & truly, the best times you spend with the people you love don't always have to involve spending money...they're the times that have big laughs, lots of talking, and togetherness.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Being a Pirate requires...

Being a Pirate in Greenville, NC requires you to have rain boots. And you'd think that this being my Junior year of college that I would have caught on to that. However, there's just one problem. I really have issues spending more than $15 on something that I won't wear very often. I mean, they're not very attractive nor are they very comfortable but in Greenville it is very necessary to own a pair. And this is why: It rains at least 3 days out of the week here and the rain shows no mercy. It usually floods a little bit, but not enough to get classes canceled --but definitely enough to give Bindi a good swimming lesson in the back yard. And this monsoon we experience here in Greenville always leaves me with wet, cold, wrinkly feet and wet pants..all the way up my leg to the point of where my rain jacket hits my thigh. (I finally caught on to the rain jacket phenomenon last year!) So, to anyone interested in being a Pirate...either get rain boots or be ready to do some swashbuckling!

And for anyone who doesn't know this: Uggs aren't exactly the best shoes to wear in the rain. Which is why I decided to write today about why I need rain boots...because I walked around campus all morning with wet feet due to my comfy Uggs being soaking wet. Hooray!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bindi's Rawhide Jaw

Here it is! My first blog post and I'm not really sure how all of this works, so bear with me.

The past couple of days my dog, Bindi, has been acting a little sluggish. She's been sleeping more than usual and eating only if I make her. So this afternoon I decided to give her a rather large rawhide bone. It's the size that a 50lb dog would probably chew on, but if you know Bindi you know her personality is the size of a 50lb dog.

After I gave her the bone I began working on homework and watching American Idol. I then notice that Bindi had gotten very quiet and had jumped on my bed and I could feel her starring at me, it was just weird! So I looked at her and she had the rawhide stuck in her jaw to the point that her mouth was wide open and she couldn't shut it. She was starring at me helpless and, of course, I start freaking out. I call her father, because he's very calm in situations such as these, and he proceeds to pry the rawhide out of her back tooth. It had gotten lodged between two of her back teeth and she couldn't get it out. So, needless to say, the bone went in the trash and she will probably never get a bone that large again.